Dear Residents,
You may be aware that last few years` statics show that FE Block is prone to life-threatening Dengue attacks more than any other block. As per latest news reports, incident of Dengue is fast increasing in BMC` area. To protect ourselves and our community at large, we need to ensure that Dengue spreading mosquitoes are kept at bay. It is necessary that we take following bare minimum preventive steps to control the spread of Dengue:-
1. Not to allow accumulation of water in roof, garage roof, empty containers discarded tyres, flower-pots, etc. Gutters and water storage drums should be covered. Those who are keeping water in pots for dogs/birds, etc. should invariably clean these pots daily.
2. Use Mosquito Nets or Mosquito Repellents, especially at night.
3. Kindly educate and raise awareness about adopting the above preventive measures, amongst the Domestic Helps, Drivers, others staying in garages.
4. Kindly come forward in community clean-up drives to remove potential breeding sites.
5. In case of any Dengue related symptoms appear, immediate medical help must be sought.
Let’s make FE Block "Dengue Free Zone".
The above measures will also help in fighting Malaria and other Mosquito spreading diseases.
For any assistance related to Dengue prevention feel free to contact your Lane Representative.
Thanking you in anticipation,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Utpal Sadhu