Content for Puja Souvenir 2021

  19-08-2021     |     SLFEBRA/2021-23/06

Dear Residents, 

Like previous years, this year also we are planning to publish Swaronika, the souvenir on the occasion of Puja. This will be in both physical and digital format. We are inviting literary contributions and drawings from the residents to enrich our souvenir.

The brief specification for such contributions are as follows:

1. Short Stories:                            Upto 1200 Words.

2. Poems etc.                              Upto 16 lines.

3. Essays, Articles.                      Upto. 1600 Words.

4. Drawings from children.       In Black and White.

Any controversial issue, politically / religiously sensitive should be avoided. Selection of articles for printing will be solely decided by the Souvenir sub-committee. 

The last date of submission of contribution is 11th September’21. Contributions may be submitted preferably in digital editable format to the following persons.

This year we wish to update our telephone, address and E-Mail ID directory in a tangible format, in view to convert it to a tool for digital communication system. In order to achieve this we would request all residents to kindly have a look on the yellow pages of last year’s souvenir and advice necessary updates as may be required to the lane representative and/or the following persons of souvenir sub-committee::

You may also edit members profile through FE Block App through profile section.


ISmt Kakali Paul.ConvenerFE-1869903775917
iiSmt Mahua BhattacharyaJt ConvenerFE-1489231598399mcbchoti@gmail .com
iiiShri Debraj SenguptaJt


Dr.Pallav Bhattacharya.
