This 23rd April 2022 there will be FREE vaccination at our Community Centre from 10:30 am onwards.
Applicable Categories are:
1. Any Dose (1st, 2nd or booster) for 60+. (Covishield)
2. 1st or 2nd Dose for 18+ to 59 (Covishield)
3. 1st or 2nd Dose for 14 to 17 age group. (Covaxine)
Register with lane members or on 21st and 22nd Apr, 7pm to 9pm at our Community Centre.
Covid cases in 5 states are again rising. Positivity rate shooting to around 2% from 0.5%. May be around May-June we have our 4th wave..
Note: Since this is a Govt conducted free camp, 3rd/ booster doses for 18 to 59 will not be available at this camp. For that you can visit private centres. Call them before going. Their contact numbers available in our FE App. Charges at private. Centres is Rs. 385.
Get Your Doses Now..
Sd/- Pallav Bhattacharya