
FE Block

FE Block

About FE Block Website

Greetings! At Salt Lake FE Block community we constantly strive to better ourselves as a society and focus on all aspects of development. The need of the hour is an online portal which we can use to bring the entire FE Block community members together at a single platform. Hence, this portal 'www.saltlakefeblock.in' shall help us in achieving what we have been planning for a long time now. Our sole purpose of introducing this portal is to facilitate the ongoing operations in a smooth and user friendly manner. We plan to have a full fledged 'Notice Board' where all the important upadates can be viewed by the members as per their convenience. Apart from this we also shall have a feedback / query form to help our members put forward their concerns and queries to the proper points of contact.

Any suggestions from our community members would be highly appreciated. Let us join hands in making this portal a success!

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